Welcoming visitors to Kirkcudbright. A community run Information Centre for Kirkcudbright, open April to October.

The closure of the VisitScotland Tourist Information Centre left nowhere for visitors to access information about the attractions, services, and hospitality available to them in Kirkcudbright and the region. We were determined to address this. Kirkcudbright urgently needed an Information Centre.
MacLellans Castle - Copyright Barry Russell
We recruited an enthusiastic group of volunteers and we started working in earnest to find a suitable replacement for the original services provided within the building. In late 2019 the Kirkcudbright Development Trust successfully opened up the Information Centre again. Our team of fabulous volunteers worked hard and provided a part-time service over the busy summer months.

Today in 2021 we are delighted to have full access to the old tourist information building, and we have developed plans for its revitalisation. We hope to complete this project some time during 2021, just in time for the visitors’ long-awaited return to Dumfries and Galloway. It’s going to be so important to provide this service to help promote our tourism and hospitality businesses, especially after the difficult circumstances of the Pandemic restrictions during 2020 and early 2021.

Drive and determination were the foundations of our project.

Kirkcudbright View © Barry Russell


Kirkcudbright Tourist Information Centre is open April – October 10am – 4pm during holidays and 11am – 3pm outside this. If you are interested in more information about the Kirkcudbright Information Centre project,  please contact us, or you can follow our page on Facebook.
Interior of Kirkcudbright Information Centre

Thanks to all our hard-working volunteers, and we are looking forward to welcoming visitors back to the region.

If you would like to volunteer at the Kirkcudbright Information Centre please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!

Information Centre – now open daily!

We need your
help to continue